Vicki A. Lorenzen

Vicki A. Lorenzen

 Board Certified Senior Paralegal

Bar Memberships:

  • Texas Panhandle Paralegal Association
  • Paralegal Division, State Bar of Texas
  • Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law Section, State Bar of Texas


  • B.A. Florida Atlantic University (1982)

  • Certificate of Completion, The National Center for Paralegal Training (1982)

Certified Legal Specialty:

  • Board Certified Paralegal – Oil, Gas and Mineral Law – Texas Board of Legal Specialization

Board Certified Paralegal | TBLS | 1994


Vicki is a senior paralegal with over twenty-five years’ experience as a paralegal, and over twenty years’ experience in oil, gas and mineral law.  She has assisted attorneys with various aspects of oil, gas and mineral law including financing, development, acquisition, divestiture, and litigation.  She also has extensive experience assisting attorneys with the title work involved in preparing acquisition, limited leasehold, drilling, and division order title opinions covering properties in Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.

Vicki is a founding member of the Texas Panhandle Paralegal Association (TPPA), served as its first president, and is currently serving as TPPA’s treasurer.  She is an active member of the Paralegal Division of the State Bar of Texas and has served on its Board of Directors representing District 7. Vicki is also an associate member of the Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.  After approving the application Vicki submitted in 2016 to provide Texas paralegals a specialty exam in oil, gas and mineral law, the Texas Board of Legal Specialization (TBLS) appointed Vicki as Chair of the TBLS Paralegal Advisory Commission for the 2016-2019 term.  The Commission is responsible for assisting the TBLS Board with reviewing the applications and drafting and grading the certification exam offered to paralegals seeking the TBLS paralegal specialty in oil, gas, and mineral law.

Vicki’s father was career Air Force and was stationed in Amarillo when she was born.  After living in several different locations around the country, she returned to Amarillo in 1983 to start her career as a paralegal after receiving her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from Florida Atlantic University and graduating with a certificate of completion from The National Center for Paralegal Training in Atlanta, Georgia in 1982.

Vicki has enjoyed being active in her community as a volunteer through her past associations with her children’s schools, her church, and Amarillo Youth Choirs.  She currently teaches first grade Sunday school, and has served as a Children’s Leader in Bible Study Fellowship International since 1999.

Vicki enjoys spending time with friends and family, reading, and playing golf.